Wednesday 11 October 2023

40th Tanzanite Anniversary Toronto

Dear Arnold - Tanzanite President & Committee Team

Copy: Tanzanite Members in Toronto - SJCSZ  & Global Zanzibaris

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to you and your team for hosting a first-class 40th Tanzanite Anniversary Celebration which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended the function as I viewed the full celebration on Zoom seeing all folks having a wonderful time, but unfortunately we missed the live music due to technical problems which is often the case via zoom, but will look forward to your video clips in due course.

My good friend Mervyn Lobo sent me some video clips which were great, capturing all the action. Videos added to your blogspot.

As a "Special Thanks" to you and your superb committee, I have created a new blogspot titled "Tanzanite Enterprises" blog link 

Below are lovely words spoken by a few good members which says it all, conveying their CONGRATULATIONS to you, I too say well deserved.

Thanks to Claude, Joanita, Les, John for your messages. Also Special thanks to Mervyn Lobo for the video clips added to Arnold's blog.

Thank you for giving me permission to release your photo collection in advance of you releasing all your videos etc., which I will add to your blog. You are a true gentleman and between you, your family members and special friends, we will always try and keep Zanzibar in the forefront. I must also say Toronto is the main hub for social events. I will promote all your future events. Betty sends her special congratulations. 

Best regards - Benny & Betty

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Claude wrote: 

Hi Arnold,

You certainly did an awesome job organizing an outstanding performance in the midst of an array of an ever unending and uncertain variety of challenges. 

We all know You and your team, once again, pitched in tirelessly, making every effort with a pure intent to invite everyone to meet again with an opportunity to blend in, with a harmonious and happy heart at Sunday's Tanzanite function. 

Hurdles faced in providing a smooth Zoom session was beyond anyone's control. I know you apologized out of humbleness to please those who wished to join us virtually for a clear and an uninterrupted "face-time". 

Any other hurdles surfaced within the function, I hope, ironed out themselves, drowned and forgotten as trivial issues. 

Your efforts are more acknowledged for taking great pains and sacrificing precious time in fine-tuning this 40th annual social gathering that reached an exceptionally successful climax. 

I must admit Sunday's Tanzanite function was fun-filled reaching an apex from what you and your gratifying committee chipped in. 

Best of all, was, you created a fresh opportunity for all to meet, greet, reminisce and mushroom new acquaintanceships, permiting penciling in new communication links in their hearts and address books. This certainly constituted making more good memories in our lives.

Ever grateful to you Arnold, for your noble act in accomplishing and achieving a successful feat; for your geniuine zeal and unselfish commitment in keeping our community continously and closely connected. Over the years! 

I hope a vision and dream come true for you; giving every reason to love, forgive and be happy!

Best wishes to you and each person in your organizing committe, your muscians, "Zoom-man" (zoomer), and all others who helped you out.

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Joanita wrote:

The reports from my brother Les, concur with Brendan's assessment. The few videos I saw posted by Mervyn were fun to watch. 

It was good seeing Tr. Altina, Fr. Loishi who came all the way from India, and some of my friends from Zanzibar, and Canada. I understand Mervyn Nunes' daughter Jervin and her band, all the way from Dar, played a set. The raffle prizes were amazing and the food was excellent. 

So sorry the last-minute COVID scare kept me from attending. 

Congratulations to Arnold and his Committee for another great event. Hopefully, we'll be able to get a US contingent together next year (like we used to).


Thank you to Arnold Mendes and his committee of Audrey Fernandes, Steve D'Silva and Steve Pereira for pulling off this Tanzanite function which was a huge success! 

Everyone who attended, appeared to have had a great time as there was a lot of hard work to get the Function off.

You could see a great deal of enthusiasm among the Tanzanians who attended. 

Congratulations to the new President for 2024, Megan Vaz, who has my vote of confidence!

I applaud you Arnold Mendes, you did your Dad, Pop Mendes proud. 

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Les Gonsalves wrote:

Not just a success. It was fantastic!! Organization, band, venue, food, reasonable drinks and the commaradrie of all ages.

Arnold, Audrey, The Steve's, you did a fantastic job resurrecting Tanzanite. Great that the election was so smooth. Looking forward to next year!!! 

= = = = = = = = = = = 

John De Silva wrote:

Absolutely, this was a tremendous effort by Arnold and his dedicated team to put this event together and i heard it was a huge success. 

I was away and missed the function and looking forward to next year. 

Keep up the great work Arnold and team you guys are the best.

John Putush

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Albert Mendes post:

Message for Arnold

Brother man you and your hard working team really put on a show that every Tanzanite enjoyed themselves.

I am sorry I did not see anyone from Zanzibar except Oddette. Where was Audrey, Avril, Irene etc Brother man you look good and your dad would be very proud of his son and me being your godfather has flushed 2 pints of 🩸 blood in my frail body with excitement and now I feel strong.

Brother man when I see you all happy having your own homes having children and grandchildren and everybody enjoying themselves having birthday parties, you don’t have to rent a party mob to make a crowd. You all have large basements with well furnished bars, dart boards, pool tables etc. With hindsight I should have taken the job in the Catholic School I was offered. I would have my own bachelor flat and loads of nephews, nieces etc to take care of me.

Now that the days are passing by old age is catching up. Things are not so easy for me need careers who are unreliable, no use of car, have to use the buses etc life must go on.

I remember dad always falling a sleep I’ve come to that stage too. I am forgetting taking medication etc just to keep alive

I am waiting for the call from above.
They say we are in the departure lounge waiting for God to call. YOUR TIME IS UP NO TIME TO PACK YOUR RUCK SACK

On that note brother man I shall take your leave. Keep up the good work, hope to be still alive to see you all in Toronto.

With love from your God Father and Brother man.

Love and kisses to the family.

Thanks to Ben for including this in his blog about you.


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From: "Albert Mendes" <>
To: "Benito De Souza" <>
Sent: Thursday, 26 Oct, 2023 At 20:32
Subject: Re: KPZ: Re: Tanzanite 40th Anniversary Celebration 2023

Hi Ben just to say a big big thank you for sending me this interesting blog on Arnold and the Tanzanites. They are having an amazing time of their lives. Thanks

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Sent: Wednesday, 11 Oct, 2023 At 00:23
Subject: Re: KPZ: Re: 40th Anniversary Celebration - Tanzanite 2023 - Live from Toronto

Brief message from Arnold.

Hi Ben,

Zoom failure. I have six hours of live recording will post it on my Youtube channel and our website.

I sent you a test on WhatsApp check if you received it My phone no is 647-895-8334 see if you can connect I will send you some videos from Sunday.

On Monday, October 9, 2023 at 05:30:22 a.m. EDT, 
bennydesouza <> wrote: 

Hi Arnold,

Re: 40th Anniversary Celebration - Tanzanite 2023 - Live from Toronto

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to you and your team for hosting a first class 40th Tanzanite Anniversary Celebration which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended the function. Pity I did not know many of the folks, I guess many from Daressalaam, Nairobi etc., settled in Canada. Great seeing all your photographs which I enjoyed seeing all those happy faces.

I was hoping to see John Da Silva, Joanita and Mervyn at the celebration.

Great seeing Alwayn front his band and I noticed a couple of players. Great pity we could not enjoy even a single song played by the band due to zoom technical problems which is very common trying to transmit videos and music.

As a special gift to you, your Tanzanite committee members, relatives and friends, I forward you this blogspot so all can view your full 40th Tanzanite celebration. 

P.S. Prior to the start of the Zoom I briefly was speaking to a lovely lady Jacinta Luis from Montreal who mentioned she had a relative Eva from Zanzibar and my Betty confirmed EVA was a very good friend of her cousin Norma Bocarro.

Jacinta told me how to access her email via your Zoom via Contacts and yes, I did see it but planned to copy it later which failed as Jacinta left the Zoom as a few others did the same due to failure of viewing.

Please send me Jacinta's email so I can contact her with this special blogspot where I was hoping to add video clips and photos as promised.

Convey my best regards to Alwyn. I would have loved to be playing in his band as done in the past but could not make it as Betty's brother, Colin our Scoutmaster in Zanzibar is not too well. He lives in a top flight Care home for the past 5 years.

Best regards and once again Congratulations on a task well done and well promoted with super success all-round. Your photo collection added below plus video clips kindly forwarded by Mervyn Lobo. "Thank you Mervyn".

Below are some video clips and photos to view kindly provided by Arnold.


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Memories of The Tanzanite 40th Anniversary

Please Click on the Link Join Us below to view photographs.

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Video Clips kindly provided by Mervyn Lobo
(Double Click on Video clip for large viewing or
Click on the small box [  ] at the bottom Right corner
for Large View)

Arnold Mendes

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